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Apocalypse Now!

For many readers, Revelation seems a strange book, full of mysterious and sometimes disturbing images and symbols. It’s no surprise that lots of people choose to skip over most of the book, going straight to the final chapter’s descriptions of the New Heaven and the New Earth.

But this is a book which has so much to teach 21st Century Christians. Over the course of seven weeks, we’ll reflect on Revelation’s lessons for us, about what it means to have a view of the world shaped not just by what we can see in the here and now but rather by our vision of the Lamb at the centre of heaven’s worship. We’ll think about how to live in ways which are faithful to the Lamb, remaining hopeful about the future God has in store for his people and all creation.  

Date Bible passage Title Speaker
08-Oct Revelation 5 The Lamb’s in Charge Trevor Neill
15-Oct Revelation 7:9-17 Be Thou my Vision Phil Jackman
22-Oct Revelation 18 Clear and Present Danger Trevor Neill
29-Oct Revelation 12:1-12 Witness Trevor Neill
5-Nov Revelation 13:1-10 Not giving in to Seduction Trevor Neill
12-Nov Revelation 14:1-13 The Resistance Movement Trevor Neill
19-Nov Revelation 20:7-21:8 A Change is Gonna Come Trevor Neill
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